poetry · Thoughts about life

An open letter

I have no idea how you were
As a child
An adolescent
A young adult
Or in-fact the house you grew up in
Your parents
Your friends
Siblings, were you bullied?
That’s sad, I know, I was too, constantly.
Do you dream? Were they snatched away?
Maybe you gave up on them
Went for an easier path, or
Didn’t have any? I know, let’s not get into it.
What made you into this, mess?
You’re like a coin that flips, heads, tail, which one are you?
I’m starting to worry? Am I getting mad?
Or is it you, a coined being flipped far too many times.
You know, one day you’ll fall into road sewage, like in the movies
Lost there, living with the rats.

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